Strange omens and superstitions of online casino players

Strange omens and superstitions of online casino players

It’s a fact that the outcome of gambling games doesn’t always depend on skills of players. Almost in all times the luck is the deciding factor, and to bring it on your side, some players use the superstitions. There are those who make different ceremonies, some players wear amulets or figures that should supposedly bring luck to their owners. In this article we’ll tell you about the most interesting and notable superstitions in casinos. The article is based on John Grochowski’s stories, it is the author of several books about gambling, one of the most respected journalists in the industry.

Winner’s dance

Once John Grochowski brought his brother Jay to the casino. John was very surprised to see that instead of counting odds Jay started to dance weirdly. After that before playing slots he made that Jackpot Dance. Which brought him luck. Surely, not all the visitors and workers of the casino realized what was happening, but Jay didn’t care - he was on the important mission of attracting luck.

Mythology of the motherland

There was a woman named Alice who tried to attract good fortune in some other way. She was from Ireland, and everyone knows there are Trolls in this country. She had a trinket with this mythical character and hung the trinket to the slot she was going to play before every gaming session. As there is no such strategy possible in online casinos, Alice prefers real play.

New Deck

There are rumors that the player with an unusual name Zachary loved fresh decks and sti down at the casino tables only when the dealers and, consequently, cards where changing. He explained his actions by the fact that cards from the new deck can’t be marked, that made him calm.

Amulets and Talismans

Once John Grochowski told a story about a woman named Rosemary. She, like the most of the superstitious players, loved Bingo. Once she took her talismans with the main one in Elvis Presley in painter costume trinket, and started to play. In result, she guessed 5 numbers of out 6 and the trinket became a part of Rosemary’s life. In time, Rose changed her games - she’ve chosen slots but never changed the talisman.

Lucky table

Craps enthusiast Quinton claims he doesn’t need some rituals or talismans to play. He also believe in fortune, realizes what variance is. However, he chooses tables of play carefully. Quinton only plays at the tables where player have many chips and is in a good mood. Surely, that doesn’t increase his winning chances, but at least it gives him a new mood.

Entering the table smoothly

Video poker lover, woman named Marilyn told about the way she is making bets. She sits at the slot, makes a minimal bet and steadily increases in one point at a time. When she reaches maximal bet, she goes down to the starting position and bets the minimum. Therefore, Marilyn has several gaming sessions.

It is quite obvious, these and other rituals don’t guarantee you victory, but they give you the feeling of self-confidence. If you believe in something, believe that stupid dance might help you to hit jackpot - dance! It won’t make things worse, for what it’s worth.