John McCain supported online casinos legalization

John McCain supported online casinos legalization

John McCain, ex-candidate for US presidency, talked in defense of legalization of sports betting and online casinos. It worth saying, that the wide spread of this type of service has managed to implement at one state - Nevada. In other states bookmakers activity is being stopped at all means and strictly regulated and punishable by the law.

The state of online gambling industry is very bad. Some states give permission for these facilities to operate. Mainly because of the tax impact on the local economy.

By making the statement mentioned above, mister John McCain will better his position in case he is going to ballot for president as Barrack Obama’s time as the head of the country, comes to an end. In 2008 they’ve already faced each other and senator McCain lost by a close margin. Now it looks like he’s going to take the rematch. In the statement to one of the sports channels McCain told that he thinks full-scale debates about online casinos and sports betting are needed to be made. He also added, government needs to make some sort of referendum to get people’s opinion on the matter.